46.-(1) Every bankruptcy petition shall be signed by the person presenting it in the Registrar’s presence. The Registrar shall date and witness the petition.
The petition shall be indorsed with an address within the town in winch the registry of the Court is situated at which notices to the petitioner may be left by the Registrar.
(2) Where owing to illness the person presenting a petition cannot attend at the office of the Registrar, the Registrar may, on payment of his proper expenses, go to the house of such person for the purpose of attesting the petition.
(3) Where the person desirous of presenting a petition is not in Cyprus, any person duly authorized by him may sign it in the Registrar’s presence on his behalf. The authority so to sign shall be filed with the proceedings. Such authority shall, if executed in the United Kingdom, be attested by a solicitor or justice of the peace; in the dominions or colonies or territories in the protection of the Crown, by a Registrar of the High Court; and if executed anywhere else, it shall be attested by a notary public whose signature shall be certified by a British consul, or by such consul himself.