48.-(1) On the filing of a bankruptcy petition by or against a debtor the Registrar shall forthwith send notice thereof to the chief clerk of the Land Registry Office of the district with a request that such petition may be registered in a book to be kept for the purpose. ‘Where it is apparent from the petition that the debtor has resided or carried on business in more than one district, notice shall be sent to the Land Registry Office of each.
(2)-(a) Where a petition is filed by or against a firm in the name of the firm, the debtors or the petitioning creditor shall with such petition file a statement of the names and addresses of the partners as registered under the Partnership Law, Cap.196, at the date of the presentation of the petition. If such names are not so registered the debtors shall state the true names and addresses of all the partners in the firm, and the petitioning creditor shall state the names and addresses of such partners to the best of his information and belief. The Registrar shall in such case send a notice of the petition with request for registration to the Land Registry Office in the same manner as under sub-rule (1) of this rule.
These provisions shall also apply to any person carrying on business in a name or style other than his own.
(b) The statement mentioned in paragraph (a) hereof shall, where registration has been effected pursuant to the provisions of the Partnership Law, Cap. 196, be accompanied by a copy of the Gazette in which the statement sent to the Registrar of Partnerships was published pursuant to section 55 of the said Law.