50.-(1) Every creditor’s petition shall be verified by affidavit, and when it is filed there shall be lodged with it two or more copies to be sealed for issue.
(2) Any affidavit filed in support of the petition must be made by a person who can swear from his own knowledge to the truth of the facts to which he deposes.
(3) When one person cannot from his own knowledge depose to the truth of all the statements in the petition, two or more persons who ca so depose may join in the making of an affidavit in support of the petition.
(4) When two or more persons make a joint affidavit, the statements to the truth of which each one deposes shall be set out separately.
(5) Two or more affidavits may, where this is more convenient, be filed in support of the petition. Where this is done, each affidavit shall set out the statements it verifies.