17.-.(1) Saving the Court’s power to dispense with notice, or to order that it shall be given in such other manner as it may think fit, notice of an application shall be given to every party affected thereby by causing a copy of the application showing the day fixed for the hearing and of the affidavit (if any) in support to be delivered to such party, with the qualifications following, namely:-
(a) where it is to be given to the Official Receiver or trustee, the copies shall be served through the Court, and may, in addition to any other mode of service, be delivered to the clerk in charge of his office;
(b) where notice is to be given to a debtor, the copies shall be served on him through the Court;
(c) where it is to be given by the Official Receiver or trustee to the creditors generally, the copies may be sent by post;
(d) where it is to be given to a particular creditor or other person specifically affected by the application, the copies shall be served through the Court.
(2) Where notice of any matter arising out of an application or other proceeding is required to be given by the Registrar, it may be left by one of his officers at the address indorsed (if any) or sent by post to the address known to the Registrar. The officer’s or the Registrar’s certificate in this behalf shall be prima facie evidence of the delivery or posting.
(3) Other notices may be given in the manner provided by sub-rules (1) and (2) of this rule.