29.-(1) Every application under section 27 (2) of the Law shall be accompanied by a copy of the order sought to be varied and set forth the facts relied upon. (Form 26.)
Where the application is made by a person who was ordered to contribute the facts relied upon shall be verified by affidavit.
(2) Such an application may be made by the director of health or by any person authorized by him in writing in that behalf.
(3) (a) If the application is made by or on behalf of the director of health, a copy thereof tegether with notice of the day fixed for the hearing shall be served on any person affected thereby;
(b) if the application is made by a person who was ordered to contribute, a copy thereof and. of the affidavit in support, together with notice of the day fixed for the hearing, shall be served on the district medical officer of the district in which the application is to be heard.