5.-(1) The medical practitioner appointed to examine the suspected person shall be served with a notice of appointment together with a form of certificate. (Forms 3 and 4.)
(2) Such notice shall direct the medical practitioner appointed to fill in the form of certificate with the required particulars if he is of opinion that the suspected person is mentally afflicted and a proper subject of confinement as a mental patient; or, if he is not of such opinion, to endorse the form with a note to that effect without filling in any particulars.
(3) Save where the Court otherwise directs, the form of certificate, whether filled in or endorsed as in sub-rule (2) of this rule directed, shall be filed in court at least three days before the day fixed for the inquiry.
(4) The medical practitioner examining the suspected person shall, unless the Court otherwise directs, attend the Court on the day fixed for the enquiry as to the suspected persons state of mind and answer such questions as the Court may see fit to allow.