ANSWER. (Rule 24.)
In the Supreme Court, Cyprus.
Matrimonial Jurisdiction.
The day of, 19
A.B. v. C.B.
The respondent C.B. by C.D. her advocate (or in person as the case may be) in answer to the Petition filed in this cause, saith:
1. That she is not guilty of adultery as alleged in the said Petition.
2. That on the day of, 19, and on other days between that day and the said A.B., at in the District of committed adultery with K.L. (In like manner Respondent is to state connivance, condonation, or other matters relied on as a ground for dismissing the Petition).
Wherefore the Respondent humbly prays that this Honourable Court will be pleased to reject the prayer of the said Petition and decree, etc.