1. In the case of a joint application, how long the applicants have been married.
2. In the case of an application by one only of two spouces-
(a) whether the other spouce consents to the application;
(b) why he or she does not join in the application.
3. What other children (including adopted children) the applicants have.
4. What is the age and sex of all children living in the home of the applicants, and what is their relationship to the applicants.
5. What number of living rooms and bedrooms are contained in the home of the applicants, and what is the conditions of the home.
6. What are the means of the applicants.
7. Whether either of the applicants suffers or has suffered form any serious illness, and whether there in any history of tuberculosis, epilepsy or mental illness in their families.
8. Whether any person specified in the notice of application as a person to whom reference may be made is a responsible person and recommends the applicant without reservation.
9. Whether the applicants understand that an adoption order is irrevocable and that the order if made will render them responsible for the maintenance and upbringing of the infant.
10. Whether the infant has any right to or interest in any property.
11. Whether the infant (if of an age to understand the effect of an adoption order) wishes the order to be made.
12. Whether an order committing the infant to the care of a relative or other fit person or the Welfare Authority under the Juvenile Offenders Law or for the assumption by such relative, other person or the Welfare Authority of parental rights, is in force in respect of the infant.
13.Whether the mother consents to the adoption and identifies the birth certificate (if any) attached to the originating application as the birth certificate of the infant.
14. Whether the father consents to the adoption.
15. If the infant is illegitimate, whether a legitimation order has been made under the Wills and Succession Law against any person adjudged to be the putative father of the infant, or an agreement to contribute to the maintenance of the infant has been made by a person acknowledging himself to be the father of the infant, and in either case whether that person consents to the adoption.
16. When did the parent or parents part with the infant, and to whom.
17. What are the reasons of the parent or parents for consenting to the adoption, and whether his or their consent is given without pressure from other persons.
18. Whether the parent, or each of the parents, understands that an adoption order is irrevocable that the order if made will deprive him or her of all rights in respect of the maintenance and upbringing of the infant.
19. Where the originating application requests the Court to dispense with the consent of the parent, or either of the parents, on the ground that he or she cannot be found, what steps have been taken trace him or her.
Given under the hand and official seal of the Governor and the hand of the Chief Justice at Nicosia, this 7th day of December, 1954.
Chief Justice