
2.- (1) In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them respectively, that is to say:-

“Civil Procedure Rules” means the Civil Procedure Rules or any rules amending or substituted for the same;

“Court” means a District Court, or a member thereof having jurisdiction, or a Turkish Family Court, as the case may be;

“Infant” means a person who has not attained the age of eighteen years: Provided that a married woman who has not attained the age of eighteen years shall not be deemed to be an infant;

“the Law” means the Guardianship of Infants and prodigals Law;

“office copy” means a sealed copy or translation of any document lodged, filed or kept in or issued out of a Court registry certified to be a true copy or translation by the Registrar or Assistant Registrar of that Court;

“prescribed” means prescribed by these Rules or any other public instrument;

“property” includes both movable and immovable property;

“Registrar” means the Registrar of a District Court or a Turkish Family Court, as the case may be;

“trust funds” and “trust property” mean the funds and property of an infant under guardianship.

(2) A form referred to by number means the Form so numbered in Appendix A to these Rules.

(3) The Interpretation Law shall apply to the interpretation of these Rules as it applies to the interpretation of a Law, and, for the purposes of the said Law, these Rules shall be deemed to be Laws.