120. The following regulations shall be observed in relation to the preparation and swearing of affidavits, namely-
(a) Every affidavit shall be divided into short paragraphs numbered consecutively, and shall be in the first person;
(b) Every affidavit shall be entitled with the title of the action in which it is sworn;
(c) Every affidavit shall state the full name, trade, profession, and address of the person making it;
(d) Any interlineation, alteration, erasure or obliteration, made before the affidavit is sworn, shall be attested by the person administering the oath, who shall affix his signature or initials in the margin immediately opposite thereto;
(e) Where an. affidavit proposed to be sworn is illegible or difficult to read, or is, in the judgment of the person who would have to administer the oath, so written as to facilitate fraudulent alterations, he may refuse to administer the oath, and may require the affidavit to be re-written;
(f) The affidavit, when sworn, shall be signed by the witness, or, if he cannot write, marked by him with his mark in the presence of the person administering the oath;
(g) The jurat shall be written without interlineation, alteration, erasure, or obliteration immediately at the foot of the affidavit and towards the left side of the paper and shall be signed by the person administering the oath;
It shall state the date of the swearing and the place where the affidavit is sworn and that it was sworn before the person administering the oath;
Where the witness is blind or illiterate it shall state that fact and that the affidavit was read over to him in the presence of the person administering the oath and that the witness appeared to understand it;
(h) Where two or more persons join in making an affidavit, their several names shall be written in the jurat, and. the jurat shall state that each of them has been sworn to the truth of the several matters stated by him in the affidavit.
121. Before an affidavit shall be used in the Court for, any purpose, it shall be filed in the Court, and the original affidavit or an office copy thereof shall alone be recognised for any purpose in the Court.
122. Affidavits may, by permission of the Court or Judge, be used as evidence in an action, saving all just exceptions:
(1) If purporting to be sworn to, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or in any possession, before any person appearing to be or proved or known to be authorized to administer oaths in the said United Kingdom or in such possession respectively;
(2) If purporting to be sworn to, in any place (other than Cyprus) not being a part of Her Majesty’s dominions, before a British minister, consul, vice-consul, or notary public, or before at Judge or Magistrate, the signature of such Judge or Magistrate being authenticated by the. official seal of the Court to which he is attached;
(3) If purporting to have been sworn in Cyprus before a Judge or Registrar of any Court in Cyprus or any notary public.