
160-164 are repealed. See p. 548 ante.

165. Save where by these Rules is otherwise provided, any party may apply to the Court to review any order made by a Judge not being a final order or judgment disposing of the claim in the action.

166. Any party desiring to apply to the Court for a review of any order made by a Judge shall within seven days of the making of the order file a notice in writing stating that lie desires to apply to the Court for a review of the order and requesting that a day may be fixed for the hearing of his application, and the Registrar shall fix a day accordingly.

Every such application shall be entitled in the action and shall be signed by the party making the application or his advocate and may be in the Form M in Schedule I hereto.

167. Upon the hearing of the application, the Court may confirm, set aside, or vary the order of the Judge, or may make such order as in the opinion of the Court should have been made, or such further order as the nature of the case may require.