125. The Court or Judge may, upon the application of any party, order that any witness, who cannot conveniently attend at the trial of the action, shall be examined previously thereto, before either a Judge or the Registrar.
Any such order, if made by a Judge, shall b final.
126. If the witness cannot be conveniently examined before the Judge or the Registrar, or is resident out of Cyprus, the Court or Judge may order that he shall be examined before a Commissioner specially appointed for the purpose.
Any such order, if made by a Judge, shall be final.
127. The Commission shall be drawn up by the Registrar and signed by a Judge of the Court, and may be in the Form L in Schedule I hereto.
128. The Commissioner shall have power to swear any witnesses produced before him for examination, and to adjourn, if necessary, the examination from time to time, and from place to place.
130. The evidence of every witness, examined previously to the trial, shall be taken down in writing, and shall be certified as correct by the Judge or Registrar, or by the Commissioner, as the case may be, and shall be filed by the Registrar.