18. All appearances are to be entered in the registry in a book provided for that purpose and shall be accompanied by an address for service in Nicosia. Notice of such appearance must be given to the opposite party. Forms of entry of appearance and of notice of appearance are given as forms 1 and 2 in Appendix B.
19.-(1) An appearance may be entered at any time before a proceeding has been taken in default, but not afterwards except by leave of a Judge.
(2) The appearance may be under protest or limited to any proceeding in the cause in respect of which the party shall have received notice to appear: Provided that:
(a) any appearance under protest shall state concisely the grounds of protest, and;
(b) the party appearing under protest shall forthwith proceed by summons to obtain directions as to the determination of the question or questions arising by reason of such limited appearance and in default of so proceeding shall be deemed to have entered an unconditional appearance.
Directions to be given upon an appearance under protest may provide for the trial of a preliminary issue with or without stay of proceedings in the cause or for determination of the matters in question at the hearing of the cause.