87. All bills of costs shall be referred to the Chief Registrar for taxation and may be taxed by him without any special order for that purpose. Such bills shall be filed in the registry. Notice of the time appointed for taxation will be forwarded to the party filing the bill at the address furnished by such party who shall give the other party or parties to be heard on the taxation thereof at least one clear day’s notice of such appointment and shall at the same time or previously deliver to him or them a copy or copies of the bill to be taxed.
88. When an appointment has been made by the Chief Registrar for taxing any bill of costs and any party to be heard. on the taxation does not attend at the time appointed the Chief Registrar may nevertheless proceed to tax the bill after the expiration of a quarter of an hour upon being satisfied by affidavit or otherwise that the parties not in attendance had due notice of the time appointed.
89. The bill of costs of any advocate will be taxed on his application as against his client after sufficient notice given to the person or persons liable for the payment thereof, or on the application of such person or persons after sufficient notice given to the advocate.
90. In divorce and matrimonial causes advocates shall be entitled to charge and be allowed costs at the rates set forth in ΜΕΡΟΣ Ι Παράρτημα Β του περί Πολιτικής Δικονομίας (Τροποποιητικού) (Αρ. 5) Διαδικαστικού Κανονισμού του 2008, για πολιτικές αγωγές στην κλίμακα €10.000 - €50.000, επαυξημένων των ποσών κατά 75%, εκτός εάν το Δικαστήριο διατάξει διαφορετικά, proceedings in the first instance being treated as if they were matters before the District Court.
91. The fees payable on the taxation of any bill of costs shall be paid by the party on whose application the bill is taxed and shall be allowed as part of such bill. If more than one-sixth of the amount of any bill of costs taxed as between advocate and client is disallowed on taxation thereof no costs incurred in such taxation shall be allowed and the party on whose application the bill is taxed shall be at liberty to deduct the costs incurred by him in the taxation from the amount of the bill as taxed, if so much remains due; otherwise the same shall be paid by the advocate to the person on whose application the bill is taxed.