20. Subject to any special directions by the Court, the costs of every witness called to give evidence in every public prosecution shall, in the case of witnesses who are not government officials, consist of an allowance for attendance (including the time necessarily occupied in travelling to and from the Court) and of an allowance for transport according to the rates laid down in Appendix D to these Rules:
21.-(1) In the case of witnesses who are government officials, their costs shall be determined as follows:-
(a) if they are officials who are entitled to transport and subsistence allowances under the travelling regulations for the time being in force, they may be paid their costs as witnesses in accordance with such regulations;
(b) if they are officials who are not so entitled, they may, when attending a Court as witnesses outside their beat or division, be allowed costs at the rates for transport and subsistence laid down for officers in receipt of corresponding salaries. Medical officers entitled to private practice may in addition be allowed half a day’s salary in respect of each night’s absence from their beat or division.
(2) Every government official attending to give evidence shall be furnished by the Registrar of the Court with a certificate of attendance on such form as the Accountant-General may direct and be paid his costs on the ordinary form for a travelling claim, to which the Registrar’s certificate should be attached.
22. It shall be the duty of the prosecuting officer to submit to the Registrar of the Court a form and counterfoil as approved by the Accountant-General setting forth the required particulars in regard to every witness whose costs are to be paid out of the public treasury. The Registrar shall, as far as possible, check the particulars and (in cases other than those coming within rule 21) direct payment of such amount as in his view is properly payable.
23.-(1) The foregoing provisions shall also apply to witnesses for the defence in trials on information whose costs are directed by the Court pursuant to section 164 of the Law to be paid out of the public revenue.
(2) Such provisions may also be applied in determining the costs payable to an accused person in cases coming under section 166 of the Law where such costs are directed to be paid by the person by whom in the opinion of the Court the charge was preferred, or whom it may consider responsible for having procured the same.