2.-(1) In these Rules the following expressions have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them:-
"applicant" includes either, as well as both, of two joint applicants;
"Court" means any member of a District Court or any Judge of a Turkish Family Court having jurisdiction under section 2 or section 25(6) of the Law;
"Civil Procedure Rules" means the Rules of Court, 1938 to (No. I) 1954, as amended by any subsequent Rules;
"interim order" means an order made under section 8 of the Law;
"Registrar" means the Registrar of the Court having jurisdiction under the Law;
"Welfare Authority" means the Director of Welfare Services for the time being and includes any officer nominated by him in writing for the purposes of these Rules.
(2) A form referred to by number in these Rules means the form so numbered in Appendix A to these Rules and shall be used with such modifications as the circumstances of each case may require.