Authorised investements

19. (1) Subject to any directions of the Court, a guardian may invest any trust funds to his hands, whether at the time in a state of investment or not, in manner folllowing-

(a) in any securities in which trustees in England are for the time being authorised by the Law of England to invest trust funds;

(b) in any securities the interest on which is guaranteed by Government;

(c) in any debentures, bonds, stocks or securities issued under the authority of any Law or in respect of any loan raised by Govvernment;

(d) in any debentures, bonds, stocks or securities of any public body or local authority in the Colony the revenues whereof are under the control of the Goverment;

(e) on the security of a charge of immovable property, provided that such property shall be situate within the limits of a municipal corporation and the sum to be invested is not more than two-thirds of the value of such property.

For the purposes of this paragraph “value” has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Immovable Property (Tenure, Registration and Valuation) Law;

and may also from time to time vary any such investment as aforesaid.

(2) The Court may authorize a guardian to invest any trust funds in a bank or Co-operative Society registered under the provisions of the Co-operative Societies Law, for a fixed term not exceeding two years.

Power to retain investment which has ceased to be authorized

20. A guardian shall not be liable for breah of trust by reason only of his continuing to hold an investment which has ceased to be an investment authorized by the Court or these Rules.