29. A record of every direction made or action taken by the Registrar in any matter connected with the guardianship of the infant shall be made on the file and signed and dated by him.
30. All applications and other documents in proceedings relating to an infant and the administration of his property shall be filed and kept together under the same number of proceedings as the original appli cation made in accordance with the provisions of section 46 of the Administration of Estates Law, 1954.
31. Any notice or other document required or authorised to be served on any person for the purpose of these Rules shall be deemed to have been duly served if:
(a) sent by post to that person at his ordinary address or to his address for service specified in any notice given by him to the Registrar; or
(b) delivered to him by the Mukhtar of the village or quarter in which that person resides.
32. The fees specified in Appendix Β to these Rules shall be paid to the Registrar in respect of matters therein mentioned.
33. (1) The Registrar shall keep books in such manner as may be directed by the Chief Justice, and the particulars given under the different heads in such books shall be entered forthwith after the proceedings shall be had.
(2) Such books shall, on payment of the prescribed fee, be open to the inspection of all persons satisfying the Registrar that they are interested in the guardianship of the infant or his property. The Registrar's refusal shall be subject to appeal to the Court, whose decision in the matter shall be final.
34. The Registrar shall make such returns regarding the administration of infant's properties and proceedings under these Rules as the Chief Justice may direct.
35. Matters of practice and procedure not expressly provided for in these Rules shall be governed by the Civil Procedure Rules in force for the time being in so far as they may be applicable.
36. These Rules shall apply to any proceeding which is pending at the date on which these Rules come into operation, subject to such directions as the Court may think fit to give.
37. These Rules shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in respect of estates where an order has been made by the Court under the Infant's Estates Administration Law, relating to the guardian or the share of an infant, subject to such directions as the Court may think fit to give.
38(1) Τα δικαστικά έξοδα οιασδήποτε διαδικασίας θα επαφίενται εις την κρίσιν του Δικαστηρίου.
(2) Τηρουμένης οιασδήποτε ειδικής διαταγής του δικαστηρίου, οσάκις υφίσταται επίδικον ποσόν ή αντικείμενον ή δικηγορική αμοιβή θα καθορίζηται συμφώνως της αξίας του επίδικου ποσού ή αντικειμένου επί τη βάσει των κλιμάκων των προβλεπομένων υπό του παραρτήματος Β του περί Πολιτικής Δικονομίας (Τροποποιητικού) Διαδικαστικού Κανονισμού του 1978 διά πολιτικάς αγωγάς· και οσάκις η αξία του επιδίκου ποσού ή αντικειμένου δεν δύναται να εξακριβωθή η δικηγορική αμοιβή θα καθορίζηται βάσει των κλιμάκων των προβλεπομένων υπό του εν λόγω παραρτήματος Β διά πολιτικάς αγωγάς μεταξύ διακοσίων και πεντακοσίων λιρών.