Ιστορικό Τροποιήσεων: Αρχική Έκδοση Δ.Κ. 12.2.2016
Αυτή είναι η τελευταία ενoποιημένη έκδοση της διάταξης αυτής.
1. Every defendant named on the writ of summons shall, except a Judge otherwise orders, be served in the manner provided in Rule 2 of this Order with an office copy of the writ, and such service shall be deemed good service of the writ.
2. (1) The service shall, whenever it is practicable, be effected by leaving the copy with the person to be served; but if he is not found at his house or at his usual place of employment, the service shall be deemed to be effected if the copy is left-
(i) with any member of his family of apparently 16 years and upwards then in his town or village or within the lands thereof; or
(ii) with any person apparently of such age and in charge of the place of his employment; or
(iii) with his master in the case of a servant living with his master.
Where service is effected by leaving the copy with a person other than the person to be served, the affidavit of service shall state (if such be the case) that the person to be served was not found at his house or at his usual place of employment. (Form 5.)
(2) The affidavit of service endorsed upon, or having attached thereto as an exhibit, a duplicate of the copy of the writ of summons served, shall be sworn and filed within seven days after service. The registrar shall, within forty-eight hours after the affidavit of service is filed, give the plaintiff notice of the date on which the service was effected.
3. Service on the person to be served may be effected at any time of the day or night and in any place and on any day of the week. This provision applies equally to the leaving of a copy with a member of his family or with his master in the case of a servant living with his master. In other cases the copy left with the person in charge of the place where the person to be served is employed shall be left during the hours, and the place, of employment.
4. When an infant is a defendant to the action, service on his guardian authorized to defend proceedings against him or, if none, on his father, mother, or guardian not so authorized, or, if none, then upon the person with whom the infant resides or under whose care he is, shall, unless the Court or a Judge otherwise orders, be deemed good service on the infant : provided that the Court or Judge may order that service made or to be made on the infant shall be deemed good service.
5. When a defendant is a mental or criminal mental patient so found under the Mental Patients Law, Cap. 120, or is a person of unsound mind not so found, service on his administrator if there is one, or if there is not, on the person with whom he resides or under whose care he is, shall, unless the Court or a Judge otherwise orders, he deemed good service.
6. When a defendant is a prodigal having a guardian under the Guardianship of Infants and Prodigals Law, Cap. 102, the writ shall be served both upon him and upon his guardian.
7. In the absence of any statutory provision regulating service of process upon a corporate body, service of an office copy of a writ of summons or other process on the president or other head officer, or on the treasurer or secretary of such body, or delivery of such copy at the office of such body, shall be deemed good service; and in the case of any company not formed in Cyprus, the copy may be left at its place of business in Cyprus, or if there is no such place, with any person in Cyprus who appears to be authorized to transact business for the company in Cyprus, and such leaving of the copy shall he deemed good service unless the Court or a Judge otherwise orders. And where by any law provision is made for the service of any writ of summons or other process on any corporate body or any society or fellowship or any body or enumber of persons, corporate, or unincorporate, the service of the office copy of a writ may be effected accordingly.
8. Where a contract has been entered into in Cyprus by or through an agent residing or carrying on business in Cyprus on behalf of a principal residing or carrying on business outside Cyprus, a writ of summons in an action relating to or arising out of such contract may, by leave of the Court or a Judge given before the determination of such agent's authority or of his business relations with the principal, be served on such agent. Notice of the Order giving such leave and an office copy thereof and of the writ of summons shall forthwith be sent by prepaid double-registered post letter to the defendant or defendants at his or their address out of the jurisdiction : provided that nothing in this Rule shall invalidate or affect any other mode of service provided by these Rules.
[Δ.Κ. 12.2.2016] [Κείμενο διαγράφηκε από: Δ.Κ. 12.2.2016:] 9. If it be made to appear to the Court or a Judge that from any cause it is not possible promptly to effect service in the manner provided in Rule 2 of this Order, the Court or Judge may make such order for substituted or other service, or for the replacement of notice for service by letter, public advertisement, or otherwise, as may be just.
[Κείμενο προστέθηκε από: Δ.Κ. 12.2.2016:] 9. Σε κάθε περίπτωση που ήθελε φανεί στο Δικαστήριο ότι λόγω οποιασδήποτε αιτίας δεν είναι εφικτό να επιτευχθεί εγκαίρως επίδοση με τον τρόπο που προβλέπεται στο θεσμό 2 της παρούσας Διαταγής, το Δικαστήριο δύναται να εκδώσει οποιοδήποτε διάταγμα για υποκατάστατη ή άλλη επίδοση ή για την υποκατάσταση της ειδοποίησης επίδοσης με οποιοδήποτε τρόπο ήθελε φανεί σ΄αυτό δίκαιο και ορθό υπό τις περιστάσεις, περιλαμβανομένης και δημοσίευσης σε οποιοδήποτε μέσο με ηλεκτρονική μορφή, ή άλλο ευλόγως προσφερόμενο από την εκάστοτε τεχνολογία, τρόπο.
Νοείται ότι ειδοποίηση έγερσης αγωγής ή άλλης διαδικασίας η οποία θα εκδοθεί δυνάμει της Δ.5 θ.9 και θα συνάδει με τον Τύπο 5Α, δεν είναι αναγκαίο όπως περιλάβει όλο το κείμενο της αγωγής ή άλλης διαδικασίας αλλά θα είναι αρκετό να περιλαμβάνει τον αριθμό αγωγής ή διαδικασίας, το Δικαστήριο στο οποίο η αγωγή ή διαδικασία εκκρεμεί, τους διάδικους και με συνοπτικό τρόπο τη φύση της διαφοράς και την αξίωση που διατυπώνεται. Είναι επίσης απολύτως αναγκαίο να προσδιορίζεται είτε η προθεσμία στην οποία ο διάδικος πρέπει να καταχωρήσει σημείωμα εμφάνισης, ή ένσταση ή άλλης δικονομικής φύσεως ενέργεια και αν υπάρχει ανάγκη εμφάνισης στο Δικαστήριο, να καθορίζεται σαφώς η ημερομηνία και ώρα εμφάνισης.
Πρόσθετα στην ειδοποίηση πρέπει να αναφέρεται ότι όλα τα σχετικά έγγραφα είναι διαθέσιμα προς παραλαβή από το αρμόδιο πρωτοκολλητείο. Για το σκοπό αυτό ο ενάγων φροντίζει ώστε να υπάρχει στο πρωτοκολλητείο, δεόντως πιστοποιημένο, αντίγραφο αγωγής και οποιοδήποτε άλλο έγγραφο είναι αναγκαίο να δοθεί στο διάδικο.
10. An order under Rule 9 of this Order shall appoint the time within which the defendant shall enter his appearance to the writ, and shall also contain a direction that, if the defendant does not enter an appearance within the appointed time, notice of any application in the action may be given by posting an office copy of the notice on the Court notice board.
