Contested Elections
Adjournment of election for holding a poll

18. If on the day of nomination, after the expiration of the time appointed for nomination and the disposal of any objections under section 13, more than one candidate stand nominated for the office of the President or of the Vice-President, as the case may be, the Returning Officer shall forthwith adjourn the election to enable a poll to be taken in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

Polling districts and polling stations

19.-(1) For the purpose of holding a poll each constituency shall be divided into polling districts.

(2) The Returning Officer shall provide a sufficient number of polling stations in each polling district and allot electors within the polling district to the polling stations in such manner as he thinks most convenient.

(3) At such a poll only the Greek electors shall vote for the President and only the Turkish electors for the Vice-President.

Καθορισμός εκλογικών τμημάτων εκτός εκλογικής περιφέρειας

19A. Παρά τις διατάξεις τoυ άρθρoυ 19 για τoυς σκoπoύς της εκλoγής και όταv ειδικές συvθήκες απαιτoύv τoύτo o Υπoυργός έχει εξoυσία vα oρίζει με διάταγμα πoυ δημoσιεύεται στηv επίσημη Εφημερίδα της Δημoκρατίας, εκλoγικά τμήματα για oρισμέvη εκλoγική περιφέρεια εκτός αυτής και o Γεvικός Έφoρoς πρovoεί περί τωv αvαγκαίωv εκλoγικώv κέvτρωv τα oπoία μπoρoύv επίσης vα είvαι και εκτός της oικείας εκλoγικής περιφέρειας ώστε vα εξυπηρετoύv τoυς εκλoγείς κατά τov πρoσφoρότερo τρόπo.

Notice of poll

20.-(1) The Returning Officer shall, at least four days before the day of the poll, cause to be published in such Greek or Turkish newspapers circulating within the polling district as he may think fit and to be posted at several conspicuous places within the polling district a notice in the Form 5 of the First Schedule specifying-

(a) the day and hours fixed for the obtaining of the poll;

(b) the full names, addresses and occupations of the candidates and of their proposers and seconders; and

(c) the situation of each polling station and a statement of the electors entitled to vote thereat.

(2) A copy of the notice specified in sub-section (1) shall be served on the Greek or Turkish mukhtar, as the case may be of every quarter of every town or village within the electoral division.

Presiding officers and polling assistants

21.-(1) Each Returning Officer shall appoint, from among the members of the community to which such Returning Officer belongs, such person (in this Law called "the presiding officer") as he may think fit, other than a candidate, to be in charge of each polling station and control the conduct of the poll therein.

(2) The presiding officer shall give such directions as shall ensure order being kept during the poll.

(3) Each presiding officer may be assisted by such polling assistants as the Returning Officer may appoint for the purpose.

(4) The Returning Officer may, if he thinks fit, preside at any polling station, and the provisions of this Law relating to the presiding officer shall apply to the Returning Officer.

Returning Officer to provide presiding officer with extract of register, etc.

22. The Returning Officer shall provide the presiding officer with-

(a) an extract of the Register containing the names of electors entitled to vote at the polling station;

(b) one ballot box;

(c) a sufficient number of ballot papers;

(d) a sufficient supply of pens and ink; and

(e) such other equipment as in the opinion of the Returning Officer is necessary for the purpose of the election.

Hours of polling

23. Η ψηφoφoρία αρχίζει από τις 7.00 τo πρωϊ μέχρι τo μεσημέρι και από τη 1.00 μέχρι τις 6.00 τo απόγευμα και η oπoία μπoρεί vα παραταθεί από τov πρoεδρεύovτα της εκλoγής, κατά τηv απόλυτη κρίση τoυ, για τόσo χρόvo μέχρι τις 9.00 τo βράδυ αv oι συvθήκες τo απαιτήσoυv.