(Rule 42.)

In the Supreme Court, Cyprus.

Matrimonial Jursidiction.

Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, to (here set forth the name and proper description of the Commissioner), Greeting.

Whereas a certain cause is now depending in the above-named Court between A.B., Petitioner, and C.B., Respondent, and R.S., Co-respondent, wherein the said A,B, has filed his Petition praying for a dissolution of his marriage with the said C.B., (or otherwise as in the Prayer of the Petition). And whereas by an Order made in the said cause on the day of, 19, on the application of the said A.B., it was ordered that a Commission should issue under the Seal of Our said Court for the examination of (here insert name and address of one of the persons to be examined) and others as witnesses to be produced on the part of the said A.B., the Petitioner, in support of his Petition (saving all just exceptions). Now know ye that we do by virtue of this Commission to you directed, authorize you within thirty days after the receipt of this Commission at a certain time and place to be by you appointed for that purpose with power of adjournment to such other time and place as to you shall seem convenient to cause the said witnesses to come before you and to administer to the said witnesses respectively an oath truly to answer such questions as shall be put to them touching the matters set forth in the said Petition (a true and authentic copy whereof sealed with the seal of Our said Court is hereunto annexed), and such oath being administered We do hereby authorize and empower you to take the examination of the said witnesses touching the matters set forth in the said Petition, and to reduce the said examination or cause the same to be reduced into writing. And that for the purpose aforesaid you do assure for yourself some notary public or other lawful scribe as and for your actuary in that behalf if to you it should seem meet and convenient to do so. And the said examination being so taken and reduced into writing as aforesaid, and subscribed by you We do require you forthwith to transmit the said examination, closely sealed up, to the Registry of our said Supreme Court at Nicosia, Cyprus, together with this Commission. And we do hereby give you full power and authority to do all such acts, matters and things as may be necessary, lawful and expedient for the due execution of this Our Commission.

Dated at Nicosia, Cyprus, the day of, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and       and in the     year of Our Reign.

(Sgd.) N.S.,

Chief Registrar.