60. Application to make absolute a decree nisi shall be made to the Court by filing in the registry a notice in writing setting forth that application is made for such decree absolute, which will thereupon be pronounced in open Court at a time appointed for that purpose. In support of such application it must be shown by affidavit filed with the said notice that search has been made in the proper books at the registry up to within six days of the time appointed, and that at such time no person had intervened or obtained leave to intervene in the cause, and that no appearance has been entered nor any affidavits filed on behalf of any person wishing to show cause against the decree nisi being made absolute; and in case leave to intervene had been obtained, or appearance entered or affidavits filed on behalf of such person, it must be shown by affidavit what proceedings, if any, have been taken thereon. A form of affidavit is given in Appendix H.

If more than twelve calendar months have elapsed since the date of the decree nisi an affidavit by the petitioner giving reasons for the delay must be filed.