24. A respondent who has entered an appearance may within fourteen days from the expiration of the time allowed for the entry of such appearance file in the registry an answer to the petition. A form of answer is given in Appendix D.

25.-(1) Every answer which contains matter other than a simple denial of the facts stated in the petition shall be accompanied by an affidavit made by the respondent verifying such other additional matter so far as he or she has personal knowledge thereof and deposing to his or her belief in the truth of the rest of such other additional matter, and where the respondent is husband or wife of the petitioner shall further state, except where the claim in the suit is for restitution of conjugal rights, that there is not any collusion or connivance between the parties. Such affidavit shall be filed with the answer.

(2) Where the answer of a husband alleges adultery and prays relief, the alleged adulterer must be served personally with a sealed copy thereof bearing a notice to appear in like manner as a petition. Where in such a case no relief is claimed the alleged adulterer shall not be made a co-respondent but a sealed copy of the answer shall be delivered to him indorsed with notice as under rule 20 that he is entitled within eight days after delivery thereof to apply for leave to intervene in the cause and that upon such application he may be allowed to intervene subject to such directions as shall then be given.

26. Within fourteen days from the filing and delivery of the answer the petitioner may file a reply thereto except where such answer is a simple denial, and no subsequent pleadings shall be delivered except by leave.

27. A copy of every answer and subsequent pleading shall within twenty-four hours after the same is filed be delivered to the opposite parties or their advocates.

28. A pleading may be amended by leave of the Court or a Judge obtained upon summons supported by affidavit subject to any directions which may then be given as to re-service of the amended pleading and any consequential amendments of any pleading already filed.

29. No pleading shall be amended out of time without leave of a Judge nor shall any pleading without such leave be filed out of time after a step in default has been taken-such leave to be obtained upon summons.

30. Application for further particulars of matters pleaded may be made to a Judge by summons but before applying by summons a party may apply for them by letter. The costs of such letter and of any particulars delivered pursuant thereto shall be allowable on taxation, and in dealing with the costs of any application for particulars by summons the provisions of this rule shall be taken into consideration.

All particulars, whether given under order or otherwise, shall be filed together with a verifying affidavit, and within twenty four hours after filing a copy thereof shall be delivered to the party by whom the application for such particulars was made.