24.-(1) A caveat against a grant of probate or administration may be entered in the principal probate registry or in any probate registry.
(2) On a caveat being entered in a registry the probate registrar shall immediately send a copy thereof to the principal probate registry to be entered among the caveats in that registry.
(3) The principal probate registrar shall send a copy of caveats received from probate registries, other than the registry to which the application for a grant was made, to the latter registry.
(4) A caveat shall state the interest of the caveator in the estate of the deceased.
(5) No grant shall be made to an applicant after a caveat has been entered against his application unless-
(a) the caveator withdraws the caveat; or
(b) the caveator has for three months brought no action for administration; or
(c) the Court in an action between the applicant and the caveator orders a grant to issue to the applicant.
(6) A caveat shall be in Form 10 of Appendix A.
(7) A notice withdrawing a caveat may be filed either in the principal probate registry or in the probate registry where the application for a grant is made, and the registry receiving the notice of withdrawal shall send in a copy of such notice to the other.