
In exercise of the powers vested in me by section 56 of the Administration of Estates Law, 1954, I, the Governor, with the advice and assistance of the Chief Justice, do hereby make the following Rules :—


1. These rules may be cited as the Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.


2. In these rules—

“President" means the President of the District Court.

Deposit of Wills
Delivery of will to probate registrar

3. (1) Any will to be deposited must be delivered to the probate registrar by the testator in person.

(2) In case the testator is not personally known to the probate registrar he must be identified by affidavit sworn by someone personally known to the probate registrar. No fee shall be charged for this affidavit.

(3) The will must be delivered enclosed in an envelope, which may be obtained from the probate registrar free of charge.

(4) The envelope in which the will is enclosed shall be sealed by the probate registrar with the seal of the Court.

Identification of will and testator

4.-(1) The testator shall, in the presence of the probate registrar, sign his name or (if illiterate) put his mark to an endorsement on the envelope in which the will is enclosed, to the following effect :—

"This sealed packet contains the last will, or codicil to the last will, or last ςill and codicil thereto, (as the case may be) bearing date ………………(if more than one paper is enclosed, give the date of each respectively) of A.B. of …………………………, and is delivered by me for safe custody in the registry of ………………………………… to remain deposited there until after my decease".

(Sgd.) A.B.

(2) The affidavit (if any) provided in rule 3 (2) shall be subjoined to the endorsement on the envelope and shall be to the following effect :—

“I, C.D., of …………………………… , make oath and say that the signatory to the above endorsement is A,B. of ……………………….”


Sworn before me on ………………………

(Sgd.) E.F.

Probate Registrar of …………………

(3) The probate registrar shall annex to the endorsement and the affidavit (if any) a minute to the following effect:—

"Deposited by A.B. who is personally known to me”.

or, (if such is the case),

"Deposited by A.B. who has been identified to me by C.D. who is personally known to me ".

Dated ………………………… (Sgd.) E.F.

Probate Registrar of ……………

Register of wills and alphabetical list

5.-(1) When a will is "deposited, the probate registrar shall forthwith note the deposit in a register of wills deposited by living persons to be kept for the purpose. The register shall have the following headings :—

No. Date Deposited by Remarks

(a) Under the heading "No.", the number to be entered shall be the serial number of the will deposited in the registry.

(b) Under the heading "Date",  the date to be entered shall be the date on which the will is deposited.

(c) Under the heading "Deposited by", in addition to the full name of the testator depositing his will, his place of residence shall also be shown.

(d) Under the heading "Remarks", there shall be noted, in the event of the will being removed from the depository of wills kept under the Law, the date of and the reason for the removal, and the place to which it has been removed.

(2) The serial number under which the deposit is noted in the register shall be marked on the envelope in which the will is enclosed.

(3) The probate registrar shall keep an alphabetical list of testators who have deposited wills under rule 3.


6. The probate registrar shall give to the testator depositing his will a receipt to the following effect :—

"Received to-day for custody from A.B. of ………………… an envelope purporting to contain his will, which I have registered in my book under No ………………………”

Dated ……………………(Sgd.) E.F.

Probate Registrar of............................

Attendance of probate registrar on testator

7.-(1) The President or, in his absence, a District Judge may, where he so thinks fit, direct the probate registrar to attend a person wishing to deposit a will who is unable to come to the registry for the purpose.

(2) Before making any such direction the President or, in his absence, a District Judge shall ensure that sufficient provision has been made for the probate registrar's travelling expenses.

Opening of deposited will

8.-(1) A will may not be opened in the lifetime of a testator except with his consent; and after a will has been opened it shall be re-sealed and endorsed as required by rules 4 and 5 unless a testator revokes such will by endorsement thereon.

(2) A will may be opened after the death of the testator by his executor or other interested person.

(3) No will shall be opened under this rule except in the presence of the probate registrar who must be satisfied of the testator's identity (if alive) or of his death and of the identity and interest of the persons desiring to have the will opened. For this purpose the probate registrar may require evidence as to death or identity upon affidavit.

Applications for grants
The making and filing of applica tion for grant

9.-(1) Application for a grant shall be made at the registry of the District Court within the jurisdiction of which the deceased had his fixed place of abode at the time of death, and if the deceased had no such place of residence, the application shall be made to the probate registrar of Nicosia.

(2) Such application shall be in writing and signed by the applicant and may be made through an advocate or in person by executors or any other person entitled to a grant and shall be on Form I of Appendix A.

(3) The probate registrar shall keep a book in which all applications filed under this rule shall be entered and every application shall be given a serial number.

Enquiries by probate registrar before grant

10.-(1) The probate registrars shall not allow probate or letters of administration to issue until all inquiries which they may see fit to institute have been answered to their satisfaction. The probate registrars are notwithstanding, to afford as great facility for the obtaining grants of probate or administration as is consistent with a due regard to the prevention of error or fraud.

(2) The probate registrar shall require evidence, in addition to that offered by the applicant, where additional evidence in that behalf seems to the probate registrar necessary or desirable, in regard to the identity of the deceased or of the applicant, or in regard to the relationship of the applicant to the deceased, or in regard to any person or persons in existence with a right equal or prior to that of the applicant to the grant of probate or administration sought by the applicant, or in regard to any other matter which may be considered by the probate registrar relevant to the question whether the applicant is the proper person to whom the grant should be made:

Provided that the probate registrar may refuse the grant unless the applicant produces the required evidence on these points or any of them.

Applications for Probate and Administration with will annexed
Affidavit to lead grant of probate or letters or administration with will annexed

11. An application of an executor or of an administrator with will annexed shall be accompanied by an affidavit made by such applicant exhibiting the will required to be proved and such will shall be annexed to the affidavit and marked by the applicant and the person before whom the affidavit is sworn. Such affidavit shall be in Form 2 or Form 3 of Appendix A as the case may be.

Examination of will as to its execution

12.-(1) On receiving an application for probate or for administration with will annexed the probate registrar shall inspect the will, and see whether it appears to be signed by the testator, or by some other person in his presence, and by his direction, and to be subscribed by two witnesses according to the enactments relative thereto, and shall not proceed further if the will does not appear to be so signed and subscribed.

(2) If the will appears to be so signed and subscribed, the probate registrar shall then refer to the attestation clause (if any), and consider whether the wording thereof states the will to have been, in fact, executed in accordance with those enactments.

Proof of execution where attestation clause defective.

13. If there is no attestation clause, or if the attestation clause is insufficient, the probate registrar shall require an affidavit from at least one of the subscribing witnesses, if either of them is living, to prove that the will was, in fact, executed in accordance with those enactments. The affidavit shall be carefully typed and form part of the probate, so that the probate may be a complete document on the face of it.

Where will not executed according to law

14. If on perusal of the affidavit it appears that the will was not, in fact, executed in accordance with those enactments, the probate registrar shall refuse probate.

Evidence on failure of attesting witnesses

15. If both the subscribing witnesses are dead, or if from other circumstances such an affidavit cannot be obtained from either of them, resort for such an affidavit shall be had to other persons (if any) present at the execution of the will ; but if no such affidavit can be obtained, proof shall be required of that fact, and of the handwriting of the deceased and of the subscribing witnesses, and also of any circumstances raising a presumption in favour of the due execution of the will.

Will of blind or illiterate testator

16. Where the testator was blind or illiterate, the probate registrar shall not grant probate of the will, or administration with the will annexed, unless the probate registrar is first satisfied, by proof of what appears on the face of the will was read over to the deceased before its execution, or that he had at that time knowledge of its contents.

Interlineations, erasures, obliterations

17. The probate registrar, on being satisfied that the will was duly executed, shall carefully inspect it to see whether there are any interlineations or alterations, or erasures, or obliterations appearing in it, and requiring to be accounted for. Interlineations, alterations, erasures, and obliterations are invalid unless they existed in the will at the time of its execution, or unless, if made afterwards, they have been executed and attested in the mode required by the said enactments, or unless they have been made valid by the re-execution of the will, or by the subsequent execution of some codicil thereto. Where interlineations, alterations, erasures, or obliterations appear in the will (unless duly executed or recited in or otherwise identified by the attestation clause) an affidavit in proof of their having existed in the will before its execution shall be filed. If no satisfactory evidence is adduced respecting the time when an erasure or obliteration was made, and the words erased or obliterated are not entirely effaced, and can, on inspection of the will, be ascertained, they shall form part of the probate. Where any words have been erased which might have been of importance, an affidavit shall be required.

Documents referred to in a will

18.-(1) Where a will contains a reference to any document of such a nature as to raise a question whether it ought or ought not to form a constituent part of the will, the probate registrar shall require the production of the document, with a view to ascertaining whether or not it is entitled to probate ; and if it is not produced, a satisfactory account of its non-production shall be proved. A document cannot form part of a will unless it was in existence at the time when the will was executed.

(2) If there are vestiges of sealing wax or wafers, or other marks on the will, leading to the inference that some document has been at some time annexed or attached thereto, a satisfactory account of them shall be proved, and the production of the document shall be required, and if it is not produced, a satisfactory account of its non-production shall be proved.

Form of affidavits

19. (1) With such variation as circumstances may require, the affidavit of an attesting witness shall be in Form 4 of Appendix A.

(2) An affidavit required under rule 15 shall be in Form 5 of Appendix A.


20. The rules respecting wills apply equally to codicils.

Applications for Administration without will annexed
Affidavit to lead grant on intestacy

21. An application for administration where there is no will shall be accompanied by an affidavit in Form 6 of Appendix A.

Administration bond

22.-(1) The person to whom administration is granted shall give a bond, with two or more responsible sureties, to the probate registrar for the time being conditioned for duly collecting, getting in, and administering the personal property of the deceased, such sureties to be to the satisfaction of the probate registrar.

(2) The probate registrar may, if he thinks fit, take one surety only.

(3) The bond shall be in a penalty of double the amount under which the estate of the deceased is sworn, unless the probate registrar in any case thinks it expedient to reduce the amount.

(4) The probate registrar may also in any case direct that more bonds than one shall be given, so as to limit the liability of any surety to such amount as the probate registrar thinks reasonable.

(5) The bond and the justification for sureties, with such variations as may be necessary, shall be in Forms 7, 8 or 9 of Appendix A.

When probate or letters of administration may issue

23. No probate or letters of administration shall issue until after the lapse of seven days in the case of a will or will annexed, and fourteen days in the case of administration from the filing of the application unless under the direction of the Court.

Objections to and the right to a grant

24.-(1) A caveat against a grant of probate or administration may be entered in the principal probate registry or in any probate registry.

(2) On a caveat being entered in a registry the probate registrar shall immediately send a copy thereof to the principal probate registry to be entered among the caveats in that registry.

(3) The principal probate registrar shall send a copy of caveats received from probate registries, other than the registry to which the application for a grant was made, to the latter registry.

(4) A caveat shall state the interest of the caveator in the estate of the deceased.

(5) No grant shall be made to an applicant after a caveat has been entered against his application unless-

(a) the caveator withdraws the caveat; or

(b) the caveator has for three months brought no action for administration; or

(c) the Court in an action between the applicant and the caveator orders a grant to issue to the applicant.

(6) A caveat shall be in Form 10 of Appendix A.

(7) A notice withdrawing a caveat may be filed either in the principal probate registry or in the probate registry where the application for a grant is made, and the registry receiving the notice of withdrawal shall send in a copy of such notice to the other.

Subsequent application only after disposal of first

25. No second or subsequent application for a grant shall be received by a probate registrar so long as the first application has not been disposed of, and the probate registrar shall inform a second or subsequent applicant that such applicant must proceed by entering a caveat against the first applicant.

When application is deemed to be disposed of

26. An application for grant is disposed of when such application is withdrawn or the probate registrar and (if the application is submitted for review) the Court have refused a grant.


27. The renunciation of an executor or an administrator with will annexed shall be in Form 11 of Appendix A.

Limited grants

28. Before making a limited grant, a probate registrar shall obtain the directions of the Court.

Grant to an attorney

29. In the case of a person residing out of Cyprus letters of administration, or letters of administration with will annexed, may be granted to his attorney acting under a power of attorney duly proved and filed in the Court.

Priority of right to grant

30. The priority of right to a grant of probate or letters of administration with will annexed shall be as follows:-

1. Executors.

2. Residuary legatees and devisees.

3. Legatees, devisees, creditors.

4. The Crown.

Priority to grant in intestacies

31. The priority of right to a grant of letters of administration where the deceased died wholly intestate shall be as follows:-

1. Husband or wife.

2. Children, or other issue of deceased taking per stirpes.

3. Father or mother.

4. Brothers and sisters of the whole blood, or the issue of deceased brothers and sisters of the whole blood, taking per stirpes.

5. Brothers and sisters- of the half blood, or the issue of deceased brothers and sisters of the half blood, taking per stirpes.

6. Grandparents.

7. Uncles and aunts of the whole blood, or the issue of deceased uncles and aunts of the whole blood, taking per stirpes. . "

8. Uncles and aunts of the half blood, or the issue of deceased- uncles and aunts of the half blood, taking per stirpes.

9. The Crown.

10. Creditors.

Advertising application for grant

32. The probate registrar, may require, before .probate or, administration is granted, that notice of the application be published in such newspapers as he may direct. The notice shall be in Form 13 of Appendix A and,, upon payment of the cost the advertisement shall be inserted by the probate registrar.

Clearing off prior rights to grant

33. Unless the Court because of special circumstances otherwise directs, any person having a prior right to a grant shall be preferred unless -

(a) he has renounced such right and such renunciation shall be in Form 11 or 12 of Appendix A as the case may be; or

(b) he has not, within seven days after service of notice upon him of the application for a grant, entered a caveat; or

(c) he is residing outside Cyprus or cannot be found.

Grants to guardians

34. Where an heir under disability would, if he were not under disability, be entitled to a grant, the probate, registrar shall –

(a) if the deceased was a Moslem, refer the matter to the Turkish Family Court; and

(b) in every other case, refer the matter to the Court, and the Turkish Family Court or the Court, as the case may be, shall appoint one or more guardians to whom a grant can be made.

Form of grant

35. A grant shall be in Form 14, 15 or 16 of Appendix A as the case may be.

Oath to accompany inventory

36. The oath to accompany the inventory of a personal representative shall be in Form 17 of Appendix A.

Declaration of renuncia tion

37. The form of declaration of renunciation of an estate shall be in Form 18 of Appendix A.

Contentious Business
No action until caveat warned

38. An applicant for a grant shall not institute an action for probate or administration when an unexpired caveat has been entered against such grant, until he has caused to issue from the registry where the caveat was entered a notice in Form 19 of Appendix A and the caveator has not within seven days of the service of this notice withdrawn the caveat.

Affidavits as to Script's.

Affidavit for scripts in testamentary causes

39. In testamentary causes the plaintiff and defendant, within eight days of the entry of ah appearance on the part of the defendant, are respectively to file their affidavits as to scripts, whether they .have or have not any script in their possession.

All scripts to be Included in affidavit

40. Every script which has at any time been made by or under the direction of the testator, whether a will, codicil, draft of a will or codicil, or written instructions for the same, of which the deponent has any knowledge, is to be specified in his affidavit of scripts; and every script in the custody or under the control of the party making the affidavit is to be annexed thereto, and deposited therewith in the registry.

Inspection of scripts by other party

41. No party to the cause, nor his advocate, or attorney, shall be at liberty, except by leave of the President, to inspect the affidavit as to scripts annexed thereto, filed by any other party to the cause, until his own affidavit as to scripts shall have been filed.

Probate Actions
Pleadings of party opposing will

42. The party or parties pleading to a declaration propounding a will or testamentary script shall be allowed to plead only the pleas hereunder set forth, unless by leave of the Court, to be obtained on summons:-

1. That the paper writing bearing date, etc., and alleged by the plaintiff (or defendant) to be the last will and testament (or codicil to the last will and testament) of A.B., late of, etc., deceased, was not duly executed according to the provisions of the Wills and Succession Law in manner and form as alleged.

2. That A.B., the deceased in this cause, at the time his alleged will (or codicil) bears date, to wit, on the, etc., was not of sound mind, memory, and. understanding.

3. That the execution of the said alleged will (or codicil) was obtained by the undue influence of C.D., and others acting with him.

4. That the execution of the said alleged will (or codicil) was obtained by the fraud of C.D. and others acting with him.

5. That the deceased at the time of the execution of the said alleged will, (or codicil) did not know and approve of the contents thereof.

Any party pleading the last of the above pleas shall therewith (unless otherwise ordered by the Court) deliver to the adverse parties and file in the registry particulars in writing, stating shortly the substance-of the case he intends to set up thereunder; and no defence shall be available thereunder which might have been raised under any other of the said pleas, unless such other plea be pleaded therewith.

Notice of Intention not to call witnesses

43. In probate actions the party opposing a will may, with his defence, give notice to the party, setting up the will that he merely insists upon the will being proved in solemn form of law, and only intends to cross-examine the witness produced in support of the will, and he shall thereupon be at liberty to do so, and shall not, in any event, be liable to pay the costs of the other side, unless the Court shall be of opinion that there was no reasonable ground for opposing the will.

Court fees

44. Fees of Court as prescribed in Appendix Β shall be taken and applied in the manner specified therein.

Advocate fees

45. Subject to any special order of the Court, advocates as between themselves and their clients shall be entitled to charge and shall be allowed the fees prescribed in Appendix C in respect of the matters mentioned therein.

Service and time

46. Subject to the provisions of these rules, the provisions of the Rules of Court, 1938 to (No. 1) 1954, as amended by any subsequent rules, shall apply to the service of documents and the enlargement and abridgement of time in contentious and non-contentious probate business.


The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.

Form 1.

Application for a Grant—(Rule 9).

In the District Court of ..................................

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of.............................of ................................................................, deceased.

Application is hereby made to the Court for the grant to me (1)

.........................................................of................................of probate of the will (or adminis tration with the will annexed of the property, or administration of the property) (2) of.................................................... who died on the day of....................................... ,19........ , and (2) whose will is dated..........................................................................

and is deposited in the Court.

2. The estimated value of the movable and immovable property of the deceased is as follows:

Movables £

Immovables £

3. The following are to the best of my information and belief all the persons who are entitled to an interest in the estate of the deceased.

Names ..................Residence ................... How entitled (as wife, child, etc.).


Address for service :



(1) Insert name of person applying for grant.

(2) Strike out inapplicable words.

Form 2.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.



In the District Court of ......................

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of..........................................of......................................................................................., deceased.

I,...................................................of,....................................................... make oath and say : That I believe the paper writing hereto annexed, and marked by me, to contain the true and original last will of late of ............................................., deceased, and that I am the executor therein named, and that I will faithfully administer the property of the testator according to law and the tenor of the will; that I will exhibit an inventory of the property and render an account of my executorship whenever lawfully required; that the testator died at

on the day of ,........................................... 19....... ; that at the time of his death he had his fixed place of abode at ......................., within the jurisdiction of this Court, and the estimated value of the movable and immovable property of the deceased is as stated in my application for a grant of probate.


Sworn and signed before me on the ........ day of ........, 19...... ,at ...........





Form 3.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.


In the District Court of .................,

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of ......................... of .................., deceased.

I, ............................ of ........................, make oath and say that I believe the paper writing hereto annexed, and marked by me, to contain the true and original last will of .............................. late of ......................., deceased; that I am the ................................. named therein; that I will faithfully administer the property of the testator according to law and the tenor of the will ; that I will exhibit an inventory and render an account of my administration whenever lawfully required ; that the testator died at ........................ on the ............. day of ..........., 19 ...........; that at the time of his death he had his fixed place of abode at , within the jurisdiction of this Court, and the estimated value of the movable and immovable property of the deceased is as stated in my application for a grant of probate.


Sworn and signed before me

on the .......... day of .............,

19.........., at ...........



Form 4.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.



In the District Court of ...................,

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of ............, of .............., deceased.

I, ........................., of ........................., make oath and say that I am one of the subscribing witnesses to the last will of the said ............................, late of ......................, deceased, the said will bearing date the ................. day of ..............., 19............., and having been deposited in the District Court of ......................... on the ................ day of .........., 19.................

I further make oath and say that the said testator executed the said will on the day of the date thereof by signing his name as the name now appears thereon, in the presence of me and of ............................ of ........................, the other subscribed witness [es] thereto, we all being present at the same time, and that we thereupon attested and subscribed the said will in the presence of the said testator and in the presence of each other.

The estimated, value of the movable property of the deceased is £ ..................

The estimated value of the immovable property of the deceased is £ ................


Sworn and signed before me

on the ....... day of ..........,

19..........., at ..............,




Form 5.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955



In the District Court of .........................,

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of ................, of ............................., deceased.

I, ................, of ...................., (or we, ...................... of ............... and ......................, of .................... having with care and attention inspected the last will of the said ....................... late of ,deceased, the said will bearing date the ..............., day of ..............,19.........., and having been deposited in the District Court of ................. on the ........... day of ..............., 19.............., the said will beginning thus:............................ and ending thus:...................... and being thus subscribed : ......................... and having observed the names .......................... set and subscribed to the said will as witnesses attesting the due execution thereof, make oath and say as follows:

1. I am the (lawful widow or executor, as the case may be), of ..................., testator.

2. I have made inquiries and ascertained that no person or persons was or were present at the execution of the said will, save and except the said testator and the said

3. I knew and was well acquainted with the said testator for many years before his death, and during such period I have frequently seen him write and subscribe his name to writings, and I am well acquainted with the manner and character of his handwriting and signature, and I verily and in my conscience believe the name subscribed to the said will as aforesaid to be of the true and proper handwriting of the said testator.

4. (Here set out the date of the deaths of the attesting witnesses or state that they are absent from the Colony, as the case may be, and state also whether signatures are genuine.)

5. The estimated value of the movable property of the deceased is £ .................

6. The estimated value of the immovable property of the deceased is £ .......................



Sworn and signed before me on

the ................ day of ..........., 19.........,

at ...................





Form 6.

The Administration of Estates Rules; 1955.



In the District Court of ...................,

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of ................, of ....................., deceased.

I, ......................., of ...................., make oath

and say : That ..................., late of ................., deceased, died intestate and that I am his (a) ........................ ,

That I will faithfully administer the property of the deceased, according to law;

That I will exhibit an' inventory of the property and render an account of my administration as required by law ;

That the deceased died at ................. on the ................. day

of ................., 19.....................;

That at the time of his death he had his fixed place of abode at , within the jurisdiction of this Court;

And that the whole of his property amounts in value to the sum of pounds sterling and no more, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.




Sworn and signed before me on

the ............ day of ................ 19 .............,

at .........................



Form 7.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.


In the District Court of .......................... ,

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of ..................... of ........................., deceased.

Know all men by these presents that we ..........................

of ......................, of ..................... and

of ............... are jointly and severally bound unto .........................,

the probate registrar of the Dictrict Court of ....................,

in the sum ............... of pounds sterling, to be paid to the said .......................... or the probate registrar of the said Court for the time being; for which payment we bind ourselves and each of us for himself in the whole, our and each of our heirs, executors, and administrators, firmly by these presents.

Sealed with our seals. Dated the ........... day of .................,19...............

The condition of the above-written obligation is such, that if the above- named ..............., the intended administrator with, will annexed of the property of ................. late of ................, deceased, who died on the .......... day of .........., do make a true and perfect inventory of the property of the deceased ............... which has or shall come into his possession, or into the possession of any person for him, and the same so made do exhibit into the District Court of ................., whenever required by law so to do, and the same property and all other the property of the deceased, which shall at any time after the making and exhibition of such inventory come into the possession of the said ............. or of any person for him do well and truly administer (that is to say) do pay the debts which the deceased owed at his death, and then the legacies given by the said will annexed to the said letters of administration, as far as such property will extend, and the law bind him, and all the residue of the said property Shall deliver and pay unto such person or persons as shall be by law entitled thereto; and further, do make a true and just account of his said administration whenever lawfully required, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, shall remain in full force.

Signed, sealed and delivered by the (L.S.)


above-named (L.S.)


in the presence of (L.S.)

Form 8.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.



In the District Court of .............................

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of ............, of ........................., deceased.

Know all men by these presents that we................,

of ........................, of................................... and ............................

of ............................ are jointly and severally bound unto ......................,

the probate registrar of the District Court of ...................................... , in the

sum of ................................. pounds sterling, to be paid to the said .........................................

or the probate registrar of the said Court for the time being; for which payment we bind ourselves and each of us for himself in the whole, our and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents.

Sealed with our seals. Dated the ................. day of ................., 19............

The condition of the above-written obligation is such, that if the above- named ................., the intended administrator of the property of.............. late of ....................., deceased, who died on the ........... day of............, 19.........., do make a true and perfect inventory of the property of the deceased which has or shall come into his possession, or into the possession of any person for .................... and the same so made do exhibit into the District Court of ..................... whenever required by law so to do ; and the same property and all other the property of the deceased, which shall at any time after the making and exhibition of such inventory come into the possession of the said or of any person for him do well and truly administer according to law (that is to say) do pay the debts which the deceased owed at his death, and all the residue of the said property do deliver and pay to such person or persons as shall be entitled thereto by law, and further do make a true and just account of his administration whenever lawfully required; and in case it shall hereafter appear that any will was made by the deceased, and the probate, then if the said ........................... being thereunto required, duly render and deliver up the letters of administration granted to him, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, shall remain in full force.

Signed, sealed and delivered by the (L.S.)


above-named (L.S.)


in the presence of (L.S.)

Form 9.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.


In the District Court of ......................

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of ....................., of ......................, deceased.

We .................... of ............................, and .......................

of ........................ severally make oath and say, that we are the proposed sureties in the penal sum of ................. pounds sterling, on behalf of ......................, the intended administrator of the property of ................. late of ............... deceased, for his faithful administration thereof.

And I the said ................. for myself, make oath and say,

that I am, after payment of all my just debts, well and truly worth in money and effects the sum of .............           pounds sterling.

And I the said ......................... for myself, make oath and say, that

I am, after payment of all my just debts, well and truly worth in money and effects the sum of ..................             pounds sterling.

*Sworn and signed before me on

the ........... day of ..................., 19.........,

at ...............,




*If the deponents swear at different times, a separate jurat should be written out for each and his name inserted after the word "Signed", viz.: "Sworn and signed by the above-named A.B.", etc. If, however, all the deponents swear at one time, it will be enough to say "Sworn and signed by all the above-named deponents", etc.

Form 10.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.


In the District Court of ........................

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of ............................., deceased.

Let nothing be done in the matter of ...................., late of ......................,

deceased, who died on the ................. day of ............., 19.............., at ..................... ,

and had at the time of his death his fixed place of abode at .............., within the jurisdiction of this Court, without warning being given to ..............., of ...................

Dated this ................ day of ................., 19.............



Form 11.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.


In the District Court of

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of ..........................., deceased.

Whereas ................... late of ...................................., deceased, died on ........ the day of ................... at .............,

having at the time of death ....... fixed .......... place of abode at .................. within the jurisdiction of this Court; and whereas ..................... made and dulu executed his last will dated the ............... day of ................ ,19..... ,and thereof appointed me his executor;

Now, I, the said ................., do hereby declare that I have not intermeddled in the property of the deceased, and will not hereafter intermeddle therein, with intent to defraud creditors or any person interested in the administration or distribution of the property of the deceased; and further do hereby expressly renounce all right to probate of the said will and to administration with the said will annexed, of the property of the deceased.

In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand this .........day of ..........., 19.............


Sworn and signed before me on the ...................... day of .............. ,19........., at ..........................



Form 12.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.


In the District Court of

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of ................. of ........................deceased.


Whereas ....................... late of ........................., deceased died on

the ......... day of ................., 19......., at ............................ intestate,

having had at the time of his death his fixed place of abode

at ..................., within the jurisdiction of this Court;

And whereas I, .................., of ......................., am his .........................;

Now I, the said ......................., do hereby declare that I have not intermeddled in the property of the deceased; and further do hereby expressly renounce all right to administration thereof.

In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand this .............. day

of ................., 19....     .


Sworn and signed before me on

the ....... day of ........., 19....,

at ...............



Form 13.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.


In the District Court of ..........................

Probate Jurisdiction.

A.B., deceased.

Notice is hereby given that, after the expiration of eight days, application will be made in die principal probate registry of .......................... for the grant of probate of the will (or letters of administration of the estate) of A.B., late of .................., deceased.

Advocate for


Form 14.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.


In the District Court of ...........................

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of ......................., deceased.

Be it known that on the ............. day of ..................., 19.......... , the last will (a copy whereof is hereto annexed) of ........, late of .................., deceased, who died on the .............. day of ...................... ,

19......., at ....................., and who at the time of his death had his

fixed place of abode at ........................., within the jurisdiction of

this Court, was proved and registered in this Court, and that the adminis tration of the property of the said deceased was granted by this Court to ..............................., the executor named in the said will, he having been first duly sworn.

Sworn under £ ............... and that the testator died on or about

the ........... day of ................., 19.............


Probate Registrar.


Form 15.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.


In the District Court of ................................

Probate Jurisdiction.

Be it known that .............................., late of ......................., deceased, who died on the .............. day of ..............., at ............., and who had at the time of his death his fixed place of abode at ..............., within the jurisdiction of this Court, made and duly executed his last will and did therein name .................................

And be it further known that on the day..............  of , 19........., letters of administration with the said will annexed of the property of the deceased were granted by this Court to ..................., he having been first duly sworn.


Probate Registrar.

Form 16.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.



In the District Court of .............................

Probate Jurisdiction.

Be it known that on the ................day of ................. , 19..............., letters of administration of the property ........... of , late of ........... ,deceased, who died on the ............... day of .................. ,   19........, at ..........., intestate, and who had at the time of his death his fixed place of abode at ................ , within the jurisdiction of this Court, were granted by this Court to ....................... of ................., the ................. of the said intestate, he having 'been first duly sworn.

Sworn under £...................... and that the intestate died on or about the day of ..........., 19............


Probate Registrar.


Form 17.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.


In the District Court of............................

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of ......................, deceased.

I, ................ of ........................, as executor/administrator

of ........................., who died on the ................ day of ...................., 19........., and who had at the time of his death his fixed place of abode at ................,

within the jurisdiction of this Court, declare that-

(1) The said deceased at the time of his death was possessed or entitled to the properties mentioned in the Inventory attached hereto ;

(2) No property of the said deceased has at any time come to my possession or knowledge save as is set forth in the said Inventory.



Sworn and signed before me on

the ................. day of .................., 19..........,

at ..............................



Form 18.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.


In the District Court of .............................

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of ................... late of ........................., deceased.

Whereas .................... late of ......................., deceased, died on the ............. day of ................., 19..........., at having at the time of his death his fixed place of abode at ................., within the jurisdiction of this Court; ,

And whereas I ...................... of .................................., am his lawful child/next of kin ;

Now, I, the said ................................, do hereby expressly renounce my right to inherit from the said deceased.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this ...................... day of ....................., 19.........


Signed in the presence of ........................

Form 19.

The Administration of Estates Rules, 1955.


In the District Court of ..........................

Probate Jurisdiction.

In the matter of.................., late of ...................., deceased.

To ............... of ......................

You are hereby warned that unless you, by notice filed in this registry or in the principal probate registry, Nicosia, withdraw the caveat entered by you against the application of A.B, for a grant of ......................... to the estate of the abovenamed deceased, the applicant A.B. shall be at liberty to bring an action against you claiming a grant of ............

This notice is issued at the instance of the said A.B.

Dated at ................, this ............... day of ................, 19...........


Probate Registrar.


1. Για την κατάθεση διαθήκης ζώντος 
Επικολλώνται στο μητρώο διαθηκών
2. Για την κατάθεση διαθήκης αποβιώσαντος
Επικολλώνται στο μητρώο διαθηκών
3. Για καταχώριση αίτησης για άνοιγμα διαθήκης
που κατατέθηκε κατά την διάρκεια της ζωής
του διαθέτη 
Επικολλώνται στην αίτηση.
4. Για καταχώριση αίτησης για έκδοση διατάγματος
διαχείρισης κληρονομιάς ή επικύρωσης
Επικολλώνται στην αίτηση.
5. (i) Για ένορκη δήλωση
Επικολλώνται στην ένορκη δήλωση.
(ii) Για κάθε έγγραφο που επισυνάπτεται στην
ένορκη δήλωση
Επικολλώνται στο έγγραφο.
6. Για καταχώριση εγγυητηρίου εγγράφου
διαχείρισης κληρονομιάς, ανεξάρτητα με το
Επικολλώνται στο έγγραφο.
7. Για καταχώριση ανακοπής
Επικολλώνται στην ανακοπή.
8. Για άρση της ανακοπής
Επικολλώνται στην ειδοποίηση άρσης
της ανακοπής.
9. Για καταχώριση αποποίησης από εκτελεστή
Επικολλώνται στην αποποίηση.
10. Για έκδοση πιστοποιητικού από τον
Πρωτοκολλητή Διαθηκών δυνάμει
του άρθρου 29
Επικολλώνται στην αίτηση-επιπρόσθετα από
τα δικαστικά τέλη δυνάμει του στοιχείου 22.
11. Για τη χορήγηση διατάγματος επικύρωσης
διαθήκης ή διατάγματος διαχείρισης
κληρονομιάς με ή χωρίς την επισύναψη της
Αν η αξία της κινητής περιουσίας-
(i) δεν υπερβαίνει τα €2000 6,00
(ii) υπερβαίνει τα €2000 για κάθε €2000 ή
μέρος αυτών
μέχρι €200
που θα είναι
το ανώτατο
Σημ.: (α) Κινητή περιουσία περιλαμβάνει και
μετοχές των οποίων η αξία θα
αποτιμάται σύμφωνα με την αξία που
αυτές θα έχουν την ημέρα του
θανάτου του αποβιώσαντος.
(β) Ακίνητη περιουσία 96,00
Επικολλώνται στο μητρώο διαταγμάτων
διαχείρισης κληρονομιών.
12. (i) Όταν η αξία της περιουσίας δεν υπερβαίνει
€100 θα πληρώνεται δικαστικό τέλος
€6,00 και
(ii) Όταν η αξία της περιουσίας υπερβαίνει τα
€100,00 αλλά δεν υπερβαίνει τα €600,00 θα
πληρώνεται δικαστικό τέλος €13,00 αντί των
λοιπών δικαστικών τελών που καθορίζονται
σύμφωνα με τον Πίνακα αυτό.
13. Για οποιοδήποτε δεύτερο ή μεταγενέστερο
διάταγμα διαχείρισης κληρονομιάς αναφορικά με
τον ίδιο αποβιώσαντα, όταν:
(i) δεν υπερβαίνει τα €2000 9,00
(ii) υπερβαίνει τα €2000 19,00
Επικολλώνται στο μητρώο διαταγμάτων
διαχειρίσης κληρονομιών.
14. Στην αίτηση για χορήγηση διατάγματος
διαχείρισης της κληρονομιάς στην διάρκεια
διαδικασίας που εκκρεμεί (pendente lite)
Επικολλώνται στην αίτηση.
15. Για χορήγηση διατάγματος διαχείρισης
κληρονομιάς στην διάρκεια διαδικασίας που
εκκρεμεί (pendente lite) αν η καθαρή αξία της
(i) δεν υπερβαίνει τα €2000 9,00
(ii) υπερβαίνει τα €2000 19,00
Επικολλώνται στο μητρώο διαταγμάτων
διαχείρισης κληρονομιών.
16. Για καταχώριση οποιουδήποτε διατάγματος,
άλλου ή διατάγματος επικύρωσης διαθήκης ή
διατάγματος διαχείρισης κληρονομιάς
Επικολλώνται στο μητρώο διαταγμάτων.
17. Για καταχώριση δήλωσης που συνοδεύει
την απογραφή της περιουσίας αποβιώσαντος
Επικολλώνται στη δήλωση.
18. Για καταχώριση της απογραφής
Επικολλώνται στην απογραφή.
19. Για καταχώριση δήλωσης για αποποίηση της
20. Για ειδοποίηση για άρση ανακοπής
Επικολλώνται στην ειδοποίηση.
21. Στην αίτηση για αναθεώρηση απόφασης του
Επικολλώνται στην αίτηση.
22. Για καταχώριση αίτησης στο Δικαστήριο όταν
δεν προβλέπεται διαφορετικά
Επικολλώνται στην αίτηση.
23. Για έκδοση κλήσης μάρτυρα, παροχή
αντιγράφων της δικογραφίας, για έρευνα για
διαθήκη ή επιθεώρηση διαθήκης, ή άλλου
εγγράφου, ως και για οποιανδήποτε άλλη
διαδικασία που δεν προβλέπεται στον Πίνακα

Τα ίδια
τέλη όπως
στις αγωγές
για πέραν
των €100


Άσχετα με τις διατάξεις του Πίνακα αυτού, το
μόνο δικαστικό τέλος που θα πληρώνεται σε
οποιαδήποτε διαδικασία δυνάμει του άρθρου 49
του Νόμου, θα είναι τέτοιο δικαστικό τέλος,
όπως ο Δικαστής ήθελε σε κάθε περίπτωση
διατάξει, που να μη υπερβαίνει το πέντε τοις
εκατό της αξίας της κινητής περιουσίας
που εμπίπτει στο μερίδιο κάθε κληρονόμου
που είναι ανίκανος.

Νέα ημερομηνία έναρξης της ισχύος του παρόντος Διαδικαστικού Κανονισμού [Σ.Σ.: δηλαδή του Διαδικαστικού Κανονισμού 17/2017] καθορίζεται η ημερομηνία δημοσίευσής του στην Επίσημη Εφημερίδα της Δημοκρατίας, δηλ. η 24/10/2017.






Δεν υπερβαίνει
τα €500

Υπερβαίνει τα€500 αλλά όχι τα €2.000 Υπερβαίνει τα €2.000 αλλά όχι τα €10.000
Υπερβαίνει τα €10.000 αλλά 
όχι τα €50.000

Υπερβαίνει τα €50.000
αλλά όχι
τα €100.000

Υπερβαίνει τα €100.000
αλλά όχι
τα €500.000
Υπερβαίνει τα €500.000
αλλά όχι τα €2.000.000
Υπερβαίνει τα €2.000.000

1. Οδηγίες για καταχώριση αίτησης για επικύρωση διαθήκης ή για διάταγμα διαχείρισης κληρονομιάς
24 51 105 120 159 308 435 524
42 90 165 182 221 524 677 831
2. Σύνταξη αίτησης για επικύρωση διαθήκης ή για διάταγμα διαχείρισης κληρονομιάς
21 42 84 90 120 246 308 431
30 81 123 137 182 369 462 615
3. Σύνταξη ενόρκου ομολογίας υποστηρίζουσας την αίτηση για επικύρωση διαθήκης ή για διάταγμα διαχείρισης κληρονομιάς
12 21 42 62 77 159 210 290
15 30 57 80 105 233 303 419
4. Σύνταξη εγγυητηρίου εγγράφου 9 12 30 41 48 105 137 189
12 21 36 57 66 155 203 282
5. Σύνταξη ανακοπής ή ειδοποίησης για άρση ανακοπής 21 42 72 80 102 216 278 339
6. Σύνταξη δήλωσης για αποποίηση κληρονομιάς 21 42 72 80 102 216 278 339
7. Σύνταξη ένορκης ομολογίας για την οποία δεν γίνεται άλλη πρόνοια
12 21 42 62 77 159 210 290
15 30 57 80 105 233 303 419
8. Σύνταξη καταλόγου Εξόδων
12 21 42


77 159 210 290
15 30 57 80 105 233 303 419
9. Παράσταση ενώπιον Πρωτοκολλητή για επιψήφιση καταλόγου εξόδων
15 27 57 77 95 171 228 312
24 45 72 102 123 233 308 426
10. Παράσταση ενώπιον Πρωτοκολλητή για την οποία δεν γίνεται άλλη πρόνοια

9 15 30 41 48 87 110 159
12 21 36 51 62 119 155 216
11. Κάθε αναγκαία επιστολή ή έγγραφο για το οποίο δεν γίνεται άλλη πρόνοια
9 12 30 41 48 105 137 189
12 21 36 57 66 155 203 282

Ο παρών Διαδικαστικός Κανονισμός τίθεται σε ισχύ την 1.9.96. Η δικηγορική αμοιβή για εργασία η οποία έγινε την 1.9.96 θα καθορίζεται σύμφωνα με τον προϊσχύοντα Διαδικαστικό Κανονισμό.

3 του Διαδικαστικού Κανονισμού 28/1996Έναρξη Ισχύος

Ο παρών Διαδικαστικός Κανονισμός [Σ.Σ.: δηλαδή ο Διαδικαστικός Κανονισμός 18.10.1996 (28/1996)] θα ισχύει από  την 1η Σεπτεμβρίου 1996. Η δικηγορική αμοιβή για εργασία η οποία έγινε πριν την 1η Σεπτεμβρίου 1996, θα καθορίζεται σύμφωνα με τον προϊσχύοντα Διαδικαστικό Κανονισμό.

4 του Διαδικαστικού Κανονισμού 28/1996

Ο περί Διαχειρίσεως Περιουσιών Αποβιοσάντων (Τροποποιητικός) Διαδικαστικός Κανονισμός ημερομηνίας 19 Ιουλίου 1996 [Σ.Σ.: δηλαδή ο Διαδικαστικός Κανονισμός 19.07.1996 (19/1996)], καταργείται.

Έναρξη Ισχύος

Ο παρών Διαδικαστικός Κανονισμός [Σ.Σ.: δηλαδή ο Διαδικαστικός Κανονισμός 21.12.2001 (16/2001)] τίθεται σε ισχύ την 1η Ιανουαρίου 2002. Η δικηγορική αμοιβή για εργασία η οποία έγινε πριν την 1η Ιανουαρίου 2002 θα καθορίζεται σύμφωνα με τους προϊσχύοντες Διαδικαστικούς Κανονισμούς.

Έναρξη Ισχύος

Ο Διαδικαστικός αυτός Κανονισμός [Σ.Σ.: δηλαδή ο Διαδικαστικός Κανονισμός 22.02.2002 (3/2002)] τίθεται σε ισχύ από την 1η Μαρτίου 2002.

3 του Διαδικαστικού Κανονισμού 10/2006Έναρξη Ισχύος

Ο παρών Διαδικαστικός Κανονισμός [Σ.Σ.: δηλαδή ο Διαδικαστικός Κανονισμός 20.01.2006 (10/2006)] τίθεται σε ισχύ την 1.2.2006. Η δικηγορική αμοιβή για εργασία η οποία έγινε πριν την 1.2.2006 θα καθορίζεται σύμφωνα με τους προϊσχύσαντες Διαδικαστικούς Κανονισμούς.

Έναρξη Ισχύος

Ο Διαδικαστικός αυτός Κανονισμός [Σ.Σ.: δηλαδή ο Διαδικαστικός Κανονισμός 05.12.2007 (6/2007) τίθεται σε ισχύ από την 1ην Ιανουαρίου, 2008.

3 του Διαδικαστικού Κανονισμού 05.12.2007 (33/2007)Έναρξη Ισχύος

Ο παρών Διαδικαστικός Κανονισμός [Σ.Σ.: δηλαδή ο Διαδικαστικός Κανονισμός 05.12.2007 (33/2007)] τίθεται σε ισχύ την 01.01.2008. Η δικηγορική αμοιβή για εργασία η οποία έγινε πριν την 01.01.2008 θα καθορίζεται σύμφωνα με τους προϊσχύσαντες Διαδικαστικούς Κανονισμούς, μετατρέποντας το συνολικό ποσό, από Κυπριακές λίρες σε Ευρώ στη βάση της ισοτιμίας 0.585274.


Οι Διαδικαστικοί Κανονισμοί που δημοσιεύτηκαν με αριθμούς γνωστοποίησεων 6 μέχρι 50, στο Μέρος Ι του Δεύτερου Παραρτήματος της Επίσημης Εφημερίδας της Δημοκρατίας με αριθμό 4073 και ημερομηνία 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2007, αναφορικά με Δικαστικά Τέλη (Αρ. 6-25), Δικηγορικά Δικαιώματα (Αρ. 26, 28-41, 43-45, 47, 49-50), Επιδόματα σε Διαδίκους και Μάρτυρες (Αρ. 27), Τέλη και Έξοδα (Αρ. 42), Ποσά σε Κυπριακές Λίρες (Αρ. 46, 48) διορθώνονται με τη διαγραφή από τον τίτλο τους, τόσο στην επικεφαλίδα, όσο και στην παράγραφο 1 του κειμένου τους, της, εντός παρενθέσεως λέξης «Μετατροπή» και την αντικατάστασή της με την, εντός παρενθέσεως λέξη «Αναθεώρηση».

3 του Διαδικαστικού Κανονισμού 8/2017Έναρξη Ισχύος

Νέα ημερομηνία έναρξης της ισχύος του παρόντος Διαδικαστικού Κανονισμού [Σ.Σ.: δηλαδή του Διαδικαστικού Κανονισμού 8/2017] καθορίζεται η ημερομηνία δημοσίευσης του στην Επίσημη Εφημερίδα της Δημοκρατίας.  Η δικηγορική αμοιβή για εργασία η οποία έγινε πριν από την εν λόγω ημερομηνία θα καθορίζεται σύμφωνα με τον προϊσχύσαντα Διαδικαστικό Κανονισμό.