5.-(1) When a will is "deposited, the probate registrar shall forthwith note the deposit in a register of wills deposited by living persons to be kept for the purpose. The register shall have the following headings :—
No. Date Deposited by Remarks
(a) Under the heading "No.", the number to be entered shall be the serial number of the will deposited in the registry.
(b) Under the heading "Date", the date to be entered shall be the date on which the will is deposited.
(c) Under the heading "Deposited by", in addition to the full name of the testator depositing his will, his place of residence shall also be shown.
(d) Under the heading "Remarks", there shall be noted, in the event of the will being removed from the depository of wills kept under the Law, the date of and the reason for the removal, and the place to which it has been removed.
(2) The serial number under which the deposit is noted in the register shall be marked on the envelope in which the will is enclosed.
(3) The probate registrar shall keep an alphabetical list of testators who have deposited wills under rule 3.